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Project Showcase

Take a look at some of the projects I've developed, each reflecting unique facets of web development.

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POE2 Tools Main
POE2 Tools Skill Tree
POE2 Tools Build Planner

POE2 Tools

Next.js toolkit for Path of Exile 2 featuring skill tree visualization, build planning, and DPS calculations. Uses Supabase for auth/data and integrates with POE API for character syncing.

Next.js 15TypeScriptTailwind CSSSupabaseFramer MotionOAuth
Tiki Tours Main
Timeline View
Budget Tools

Tiki Tours

A modern travel planning platform that helps you organize trips, manage timelines, and track expense

Next.js 15TypeScriptThree.jsTailwind CSSFramer MotionNivo Charts
SteamShare Main
SteamShare Gallery
SteamShare Editor


Steam screenshot management platform with integrated gallery organization and canvas editing. Features seamless Steam authentication, real-time data fetch, and collage creation tools.

React 18TypeScriptSteam Web APIFabric.jsFramer Motion
Golf2Go Hero
Golf2Go Booking
Golf2Go Courses


Modern business website for a portable miniature golf company, replacing legacy WordPress site with Next.js 15 for improved performance and user experience.

Next.jsTypeScriptTailwind CSSreCAPTCHAZodSMTP
Checkpoint Main
Checkpoint Dashboard
Checkpoint Analytics


GitHub analytics dashboard built with Next.js 15, featuring interactive contribution visualizations, language distribution analysis, and detailed activity metrics

Next.js 15TypeScriptGitHub GraphQL APITailwind CSSNivo Charts
CSS Battle Editor
CSS Battle Comparison
CSS Battle Challenges

CSS Battle

A full-featured web app for recreating CSS battles with real-time previews, scoring based on accuracy and code efficiency, and interactive comparison tools.

Next.jsTypeScriptTailwind CSSMonaco Editorhtml2canvas
Encompass Tours Hero
Encompass Tours About
Encompass Tours Contact

Encompass Tours

Digital platform for NZ motorcycle tours using Vue and Supabase. Features server-side caching, dynamic tour management, and interactive route visualization.

PomoDev Logo
PomoDev Timer
PomoDev Tasks


A Pomodoro Timer Chrome Extension designed to boost productivity. Features customizable timers, task management, and theme options, all built with modern web technologies.

ReactTypeScriptViteChrome Extension APIFirefox Add-on API
Gift List Main
Gift List Analytics
Gift List Management

Gift List

Next.js gift management app with Supabase integration, featuring hierarchical group organization, CSV import capabilities, and real-time analytics. Implements secure auth, automated CRUD operations, and persistent storage.

Next.js 15React 18TypeScriptSupabaseTailwind CSSFramer MotionNivo ChartsZod